I have known Kori’s older sister, Kelly, since we were 12 years old. We met in the 6th grade when Kelly’s mom was pregnant with her youngest sibling, Kevin. This, of course, means that I have known Kori since she was about seven. And now I’m taking her engagement pictures?? Wow. How the time does fly
Kori and Taylor met in high school at the young age of 15, and started dating shortly thereafter. Scott and I also started dating when we were 15, so I can certainly remember how naive and sweet high school love was, and what a treasure it is to grow into adulthood with your best friend. And marrying that person is the best part
Taylor enlisted the help of he and Kori’s pet dog for his proposal at Yetti Polk Park. Taylor casually convinced Kori that there was something strange on the dog’s collar, maybe she should go check it out… Something strange, indeed! It’s not everyday you see a diamond ring on your dog’s collar! Unless of course you live in Beverly Hills, California, but folks, this is central Texas! With the dog on all fours and Taylor on one knee, Kori said “yes” to a lifetime with her best friend.
Kori and Taylor, I love that you guys share a similar dating story to that of Scott and I It’s not everyday you meet high school sweethearts. I am SO looking forward to photographing your uniting day next May! In the meantime, grow more in love and respect for each other – and enjoy your engagement pics!
The pictures and narratives are absolutely beautiful. We are so blessed to have Taylor as our son and Kori as a new member of our family!
Taylor is such a good man
So happy to see Kori with someone that lives her so well 