Sarah and Jelle became fast friends of ours when we moved to Houston in 2009. They were (and still are!) young, fun, spunky, and most notably, hospitable and loyal. We excitedly watched the development and eagerly awaited the birth of their first born in late 2010/early 2011, a promise of new life amidst immense heartache
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Pace | Newborn | Central Texas Newborn Photographer
He’s here! My life-long friend’s baby boy has arrived I’ve known this little guy’s momma since we were infants ourselves. We grew up in the same small town, took oatmeal baths together when we had the chicken pocks, celebrated countless birthdays together, walked down the aisle in each other’s weddings, and then I found
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Graham | Newborn | Houston Heights Newborn Photographer
Scott and I walked up the steps onto a quaint wooden porch. Signs of young life living within the walls of the bungalow-style home were evident, and I couldn’t wait for that front door to open and meet baby Graham He was bundled up in his baby carrier, sound asleep, while big brother was
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Kelly | Maternity | Sugar Land, TX Maternity Photographer
When Kelly emailed to say that she wanted her maternity photographs taken in “Old Sugar Land”, I instantly pictured rustic buildings with chipped paint clinging delicately to the remains of red clay and mortar, and I smiled. There is something so wonderfully nostalgic and charming about old buildings. And the contrast of celebrating the anticipation
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Amanda | Maternity | Central Texas Maternity & Newborn Photographer
How do I even begin to introduce this beautiful mother-to-be to you, my internet audience? Should I start with the fact that I’ve known this girl since the day she was born? Or perhaps that we grew up together in central Texas and attended the same church? Or maybe that one of our favorite past-times as
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