It has become an annual tradition to go strawberry picking in the spring at Froberg’s Farm in Alvin, TX. I was thrilled to bring a dear friend, Rebekah, along when she came down for a visit from Seattle! Maxine was sporting her strawberry hat, of course. Don’t worry, she didn’t eat the strawberry 🙂
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This year is a year of many firsts. We had our first baby in February (shortly after my first pregnant Valentine’s Day), and with each month comes a new “first” to celebrate. This was Maxine’s first Easter. No, Maxine did not up and start walking and grow hair – this is her cousin, Issie! Little
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During my late nights of breast feeding little Maxine, I have discovered a new (dangerous) hobby: online shopping. I have never been one to online shop – my guilt complex would kick in as soon as I hit “Put In Cart” and I would back out 99.9% of the time. But there’s just something about 2:00 a.m. (lack of
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Maxine Gean | Personal
She’s here. After 13 hours of labor (only 20 minutes of which I was pushing – girl’s heart rate plummeted during pushing so they had to use forceps to help bring her into this world quickly!), Maxine Gean arrived at 8:36 p.m. on February 17, 2015, weighing 6 lbs. 14 oz. and measuring 19.5 inches long. As we
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Maxine Gean
She’s almost here. We planned for her, we prayed for her, and now we are just weeks away from meeting our daughter, Maxine Gean. We wonder what she will look like – will she have my dimpled chin? Will she have Scott’s nose? Will she have my freckles? Will she have his contagious smile? We
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