I am thrilled to announce the premiere of The Impatient Crafter!! Please take 2 minutes to read this post, which will give you a little background as to why I decided to start this sub-project of The Freckled Key Photography. Growing up, I always LOVED to make things! My mom had a “craft room” (a.k.a.
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A Little Update.
I just cut back my hours as a speech-language pathologist. It was a tough call to make, but a necessary one. Working 40+ hours a week at work in combination with running the photography business on the weekends, putting in up to 25 additional hours a week (more if we photographed a wedding that weekend),
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Brenda [Houston, TX Maternity Photographer]
Celebrating life’s beautiful milestones with friends is one of the BIG reasons I keep this photography business going, and what gives me the energy and encouragement to keep pushing myself to do better. Brenda and I started working together at a pediatric outpatient rehabilitation center around the same time, she as an occupational therapist and
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Audrey & Ben [Dallas, TX Wedding Photographer]
It was a typical editing day for me here at The Freckled Key Photography office (a.k.a. my 650 sq. ft. apartment). I was taking my usual Facebook break and I noticed a message from Ben, a friend of Scott’s from John Brown University. Odd, I thought. I opened the message and quickly discovered that he
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Kori & Taylor [Salado Wedding Photographer]
This family is such a special to family to Scott and I. Kori’s oldest sister, Kelly, and I have known each other since we were 12. I have so many fond memories of going to their house – finding barn kittens, making bon fires, popping fire works, watching movies… They always opened their doors wide
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